Garden the very word itself will bring a feeling of freshness in your mind.The garden area of a house is the most beautiful place of the house according to me.There are many ways in which one can develop ones garden.Those people who don’t have much land area to maintain a garden there are many options available now like you can use the wall gardens that are readily available in the market. All you need to do is just install it and plant the plants in a creative way. One has to put in great effort to maintain a garden well.There should be regular care and attention to the plants.Keep checking each and every plant in your garden regularly and the results would bevisible to you soon. You will notice that the plants looks more healthy and they will flower more often .It is because plants are also stimulated by the touch and care given by the gardener. Regularly clean the plants of its dried leaves ,buds,flowers etc.
This will help to avoid the growth of insects and other pests who usually feed on rotten plant parts.
If there is any disease or pest infection to any particular plant use the proper pesticide immediately and at the same time you will also have to spray some preventive medicines to the other plants so that they do not get infested. Water the plants regularly.Try to water them in the morning .If you water plants in the evening the chances of insects to attack them is more as moisture will attract insects and during dark it is easy for them to attack plants.Regular manuring of the plants is needed. Plants that need special care should get that special care if you expect them to give their hundred percent. For example some plants grow well in cold regions while others are adapted to hot or humid regions. You have to make the arrangements like that to avoid the wilting of the plants. You can use green houses or glass houses to protect your plants from strong winter.Some plants prefers shades and for such plants you can also plant some trees in your garden. If you are so interested in gardening and is affordable to you, you can also go for fountains and streams in your garden.This will help you to maintain the coolness in your garden.