There are many different options when it comes to gardening. Each option is unique in it’s own way, but the same basic concept applies to them all. If you have decided to grow your own fruits and vegetables, than a garden is a great idea. Not only can you nourish your body with healthy choices, you can save yourself a little money while grocery shopping. Unfortunately, people do not understand where to start with gardening, so we will discuss a few options and ideas here.
First, the most basic gardening option is to till up some land in your yard. This is the most strenuous garden type but is the most basic. You really do not need to purchase anything special to start a garden in your yard. The first thing you would need to do is till up a plot of your yard. You can either rent or purchase a tilling machine to do this. Or, you can buy a less expensive garden hand tiller. These do not run on power so you would need to use a lot of energy with this. Once you have tilled up the piece of land, you can then shop for either plants or seeds to start your garden. Seeds are a much cheaper option, however, it will take much longer to see the actual fruits or vegetables. If you decide to buy the actual plants, your local lawn and garden store will have a wide variety. Some of the most common types that people find easy to grow are tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, and peppers. Most people will have a great deal of luck growing these. Once you plant, you will see growth each week as long as you water. Fertilizing is also important. Many choose to use special garden soil to the mixture of the yard to aid in the growth of the plants. If you have a garden like this, it is also important to add some sort of pest deterrent. Rabbits, squirrels and deer will love to come and nibble on your plants. A inexpensive chicken wire that is fenced around the garden will keep out some of these animals. Unfortunately, it will not keep them all out so expect to have some “friends” visit your garden.
Another popular garden option is a raised garden bed. This is basically a box-like garden that can be put together from a kit or built by yourself with various elements. Depending on the size of garden you would like, the price of the kits vary from £19.99 to a few hundred pounds. If you decide to build a raised garden bed yourself, purchasing wood and nails would be the first step. You can then create a customized box or bed for your garden. Then, place the garden bed where you would like. You can have the garden bed out in your yard or choose to keep it on your patio or deck. Being able to move the raised bed is one of the benefits of having a garden like this. Once you have the raised garden in place, you would then put down a weed barrier. This can be either cardboard boxes that have been broken down or newspaper.
You can even purchase landscaping bunting for this specific reason. After you have blocked the area from weeds, you can fill the box with appropriate soil. Then, insert your plants and watch them grow. Do not forget to water, of course, and make sure the garden gets a lot of sun.
Good luck on your attempt to garden and make sure to have fun with it!